Re-Entry Student Application

Re-Entry Student Application

Return to EWU (Re-Entry/Readmit Students)

Please complete this application if you withdrew or were dismissed from East-West University and are looking to return to complete your education with us.

Personal Information

Current Home Address

Academic Details

Student's Re-Entry Commitment Statement

If approved for Re-Entry, you must be committed to successfully completing your program. For the following statements, check all items you are committed to practicing as a EWU Re-Entry student.

I... committed to continuing my studies at East-West University and successfully completing my program by doing the following (check all that apply):

Why & How

Reflect and explain what happened before and how things will be different now. Answer the following questions for consideration of re-entry into East-West University.

By completing this Re-Entry Application/Petition, I... committed to continuing my studies at East-West University and successfully completing the program for...

The expectations and terms for re-entry approval to EWU have been explained to me. I fully understand what is expected of me in terms of maintaining a good line of communication, (with my academic/support services team), what is required of me in terms of practicing good attendance, and what it takes to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress by earning a 2.0 or higher GPA and/or a 67% completion rate each term.

Should I fall into a situation that puts me in jeopardy of failing SAP standards as outlined in the above paragraph (therefore, putting me at risk to not reach goal of graduating), I am committed to utilizing the resources and support services offered by EWU and highlighted within the "Commitment Statement" above to help bring me back on track with reaching my educational goals successfully (graduating from East-West University).

By typing my full name below, I am electronically signing this application for re-entry to East-West University. I give permission to East-West University to contact me for follow-up and to complete the re-entry process. The information found on this application is true to the best of my knowledge and I agree that I am the person signing this form.