Transfer Students

Transfer Students

Complete Your Course and Cross the Finish Line

Get the credit you deserve. Complete your undergrad journey and get your bachelor's degree at East-West University in two years or less!

Have you’ve been looking to cross that undergraduate finish line in as little time as possible but you’re not sure where to turn for help? Now is the time to redeem all those previously earned college credits you worked so hard to accumulate. Don’t hesitate any longer — all those 'piled up' college credits can be used to finish up your bachelor’s degree sooner than you think!

We're an IAI Receiving Institution

Already Have Your Associate's Degree?

Congratulations! Now, invest up to 92 quarter hours of credit into East-West University's degree completion program and complete your bachelor's degree in half the time or less!


Not sure how many credits you have? Use this conversion chart to check on your semester/quarter credits for transfer!

Completing Your Bachelor's Degree

East-West University is now accepting up to 92 quarter hours of credit from your completed associate degree to help cut your time and cost in half.

How? It’s Simple. Just Complete the Checklist Below:

  • Submit all official college transcript(s) to the Registrar’s Office for transfer credit review and acceptance.
  • Contact an East-West University Admissions Representative today.
  • Attend your Transfer Program Worksheet Review Appointment.

Program Transfer Sheets

View the program transfer sheet below for your intended major to see which courses will be considered completed upon acceptance of your completed associate degree.

Did You Know?

East-West University is recognized as an IAI “Receiving Institution"

We are a receiving institution with the Illinois Board of Higher Education’s Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI). What does this mean? If you complete your associate degree and GECC package at a fully participating IAI institution, we will accept that as fulfilling East-West University's lower-division general education requirements. That's 92 quarter hours of credit guaranteed!

No Degree? No Problem

Send us your transcripts to see which of your courses are counted as ‘receiving credits’ and which courses you must complete at East-West University to obtain your Bachelor’s degree. Once you apply, we will complete a transfer credit review of all your previously earned undergraduate college credits.

Did You Know?

East-West University may accept up to 132 quarter credit hours towards the completion of your bachelor's degree!

City Colleges of Chicago and East-West University Guaranteed Admissions

East-West University offers guaranteed admissions to City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) students who complete an Associate of Arts (AA) or an Associate of Science (AS) degree. Students can enroll in any one of East-West University’s baccalaureate programs. Students who complete an Associate of Arts (AA) or an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) receive guaranteed admission to any of East-West University’s seven programs. For more information, please contact [email protected] or call 312.939.0111 ext. 1834. 

City Colleges of Chicago and East-West University Guaranteed Admissions Participation Form

By submitting this form I understand: I must enroll at any of the seven City Colleges of Chicago in coursework that meets East-West University transfer requirements. I must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale on all transferable coursework taken at the City Colleges of Chicago with no grade lower than a “C” in the transferable coursework. By participating in this program and submitting this form, I grant East-West University and my community college listed in this agreement permission as required by law, including those related to, but limited to, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), to City College of Chicago and East-West University to disclose between the parties your educational records, including but not limited to, transcripts, academics, admission, financial aid, and advising information as appropriate. By signing the participation form, you agree to allow the institutions to share these data. If you elect to participate in the Guaranteed Admissions Program and do not meet the minimal requirements for eligibility as outlined you are not precluded from being considered for general transfer admissions to East-West University. I have read and agree to the terms outlined above.

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Scholarships Just for You

If the benefit of finishing up with your Bachelor’s degree in less than two years or less isn’t enough, East-West University also helps cut the cost of finishing a degree by offering special scholarships to transfer students as long as they meet the requirements below.

City Colleges of Chicago

East-West University & CCC Star Scholarship 

To qualify for a CCC Star Scholarship, please note the below requirements and benefits of participating in East-West University's CCC Star Scholarship program. 

  • 2.0 GPA requirement
  • Junior standing (60 semester/92 quarter credit hours)
  • Completion of an AA or AS degree from a CCC school
  • Receive a City Colleges of Chicago EWU Star Scholarship
  • Early academic advising support
  • Honors College participation
  • Waived application fee
CCC Star Scholarship Award Table
FA-24 $2,068
WI-25 $2,066
SP-25 $2,066

Recipients of the City Colleges of Chicago's East-West University Star Scholarship must transfer from a City Colleges of Chicago school, have an associate's degree with a 2.0 GPA, and be enrolled full-time at East-West University. The CCC Transfer Student must maintain a 2.0 CGPA or higher. The cumulative GPA will be evaluated quarterly. The CCC Transfer Student must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. The City Colleges of Chicago EWU Star Scholarship is reserved ONLY for transfer students from a City Colleges of Chicago school (HW, DA, WW, OH, TR, MX, KK). Recipients of the City Colleges of Chicago EWU Star Scholarship program may also be eligible for the Merit 3 or Merit 5 scholarship (based on the student's GPA standing; the Merit 3 or Merit 5 scholarship is stackable for the City Colleges of Chicago EWU Star Scholarship program recipients). 

Transfer Merit Scholarship

Transfer Students (*Other Than CCC Star Scholars)

The Transfer Merit Scholarship is available to students (other than the CCC Star Scholarship recipients) who transfer a minimum of 30 quarter credit hours into EWU and maintain a cumulative GPA (2.0 or higher) equivalent to, or exceeding, the transfer GPA of acceptance at EWU. The cumulative GPA will be evaluated quarterly. Transfer credits will not be awarded to a student's EWU transcript until after the review and approval of the student's official college transcripts are received by the Registrar's Office and evaluated by the student's program director. This scholarship is offered to all other transfer students not participating in the CCC Star Scholarship program. 

Transfer Merit Scholarship Award Table
3.5 - 4.0 $4,000
3.0 - 3.49 $3,000
2.0 - 2.99 $2,500

Recipients of transfer merit-based awards must have a minimum of 30 earned credit hours and maintain a cumulative GPA equivalent to or exceeding the transfer GPA of acceptance at East-West University. The cumulative GPA will be evaluated quarterly. The Transfer Merit Scholarship is reserved for all other transfer students who are not part of the City Colleges of Chicago EWU Star Scholarship program. 

Transfer Student Frequently Asked Questions

Have you graduated from another school and you're looking for the right place to finish your Bachelor's degree? Do you have an Associates degree already, but you cannot find a school that will take 100% of your completed Associates degree? Does trying to figure out which courses will be accepted as transfer credits make you feel overwhelmed? 


No worries! It's time to breathe! East-West University is here to make your transfer process as smooth as it can be. Check out some of the most common frequently asked questions about East-West University's Transfer program.

EWU is proudly located in the heart of Chicago’s South Loop with entrances on Michigan Avenue and Wabash Avenue, directly across the street from Chicago’s famous Grant Park (see locations here).

816 S. Michigan Ave.                                                   829 S. Wabash Ave.

Chicago, IL 60605                                                        Chicago, IL 60605

Scholarships, grants, work-study, federal and private loans, and is an approved institution for the Department of Veteran Affairs’ GI Bill® (all financial aid opportunities are found here).

Only full-time students (taking a minimum of 12 credit hours per quarter) are eligible for one of the following scholarships except the Merit Scholarship, which can be combined with one additional scholarship.

All EWU scholarships will not exceed the direct cost of attendance (tuition and fees) when combined with federal grant awards such as the Pell Grant, Illinois MAP Awards, and basic Direct Loans (current packaged award amounts are based on the 2023-24 award year limits; amounts are subject to change upon review of the new award year packaging eligibility).

  1. EWU’s Chicago Star Scholarship (for City Colleges of Chicago Transfer Students ONLY)
    1. EWU’s Transfer Student Scholarship (for students who transfer 30 or more credits from schools OTHER THAN a City College of Chicago school)
  2. Merit 3 Student Scholarship
  3. Merit 5 Student Scholarship

EWU has a very diverse student population and for that reason, EWU offers a variety of class options to fit every need.


EWU is a quarterly school, with open enrollment throughout the academic year.  We start new classes four times a year (Fall Quarter: September; Winter Quarter: January; Spring Quarter: April; Summer Quarter: July).


Classes run for approximately 11 weeks per quarter with the exception of the Summer quarter, which runs about 8 weeks.


EWU offers classes in-person with some limited availability of classes offered online (classes offered online vary from quarter to quarter).


Each class meets twice a week both Monday and Wednesday –OR- Tuesday and Thursday. Class times/sessions are shown below:


  • 10:00am- 11:50am
  • 12:00pm- 1:50pm
  • 2:00pm- 3:50pm
  • 4:00pm- 5:50pm
  • 6:00pm- 7:50pm


Quarterly-BasedSemester-Based School: A quarter-based school, also known as a quarter system, is a school that uses an academic calendar that is divided into three ten/eleven-week terms (instead of the traditional two 15-week semesters). The academic year usually runs from mid-September through early June, with the fourth quarter being summer. Students typically take 3-4 classes per quarter/term (about 12-16 credit hours, a full-time course load). EWU is a QUARTER-BASED university.

Semester-Based School: A semester system generally consists of two 15-week terms: one in the fall (followed by a winter break) and one in the spring (followed by a summer break). The average full-time student takes 4-5 courses per term, or roughly 15 credits. A semester school year typically starts in late August and concludes in early May.

For each 1-QUARTER CREDIT hour, this equals 2/3 of a SEMESTER HOUR.

Three academic quarters equal two academic semesters.  This 3 to 2 ratio can also be expressed as 1.5 = 1, giving us the conversion formulas listed below.

SEMESTER SYSTEM 16 credit hours per semester x 2 semesters per year = 32 credits per year. A two –year program equals approximately 60 credits; a four-year baccalaureate equals approximately 120 credits.

QUARTER SYSTEM 16 credit hours per quarter x 3 quarters per year = 48 credits per year.

A two-year program equals approximately 90 credits; a four-year baccalaureate equals approximately 180 credits.

The formulas used to calculate/convert the number of hours you earned at your school are listed below (you may also use this Quarter Hour to Semester Hour Conversion Chart for your reference):




Convert quarter credits to semester credits:  Divide quarter credits by 1.5.



3 quarter credits ÷ 1.5 = 2 semester credits

5 quarter credits ÷ 1.5 = 3.3 semester credits

180 quarter credits are equal to 120 semester credits (180 ÷ 1.5 = 120)


Convert semester credits to quarter credits: Multiply semester credits by 1.5.



2 semester credits x 1.5 = 3 quarter credits

3 semester credits x 1.5 = 4.5  quarter credits

60 semester credits equal 90 quarter credits (60 x 1.5 = 90)




  • Graduate in December?
    • You can start at EWU as soon as the upcoming January.
  • Graduate in April?
    • You can start at EWU as soon as the upcoming May.
  • Graduate in June?
    • You can start at EWU as soon as the upcoming July.
  • Graduate in August?
    • You can start at EWU as soon as the upcoming September.

At EWU, regardless of your major and regardless of your academic level, every student should expect a very caring and genuine support team. Each student will have their own personal Support Services Team assigned to them and will be with them every step of their way, from before starting classes all the way through to graduation and beyond!


At EWU, students are BIG FISH in a SMALL POND! Although EWU is a smaller university, each student is able to grow to their fullest potential and achieve all that their hearts desire (with focus and commitment from the student along with utilizing the full support services from EWU, anything is possible).


Class sizes are designed to be offered in smaller groups so that students are not “lost in the mix” of a sea of faces (20:1 student/professor ratio, with an average class size of 16 students).

Students can expect very personalized, ONE-ON-ONE ATTENTION from everyone including: their admissions representative, financial aid officer, Registrar, Program Director, professors, tutors, CSA and Student Academic Advisor, Student Success Center therapists, campus security, librarians, bookstore associates, coaches, peer mentors, etc. Professors, tutors and peers are there to help keep students focused and on track inside the classroom, while the rest of the Support Services team is there to help guide the students on their paths towards graduation and beyond as the need for additional support is required outside the classroom.

Currently there are ten floors of on-campus living (“The Flats”). View the Flats Student Housing to learn more.

East-West University is a recognized as a “Receiving Institution” with the Illinois Board of Higher Education’s Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI). This means that if you have completed your Associate degree (92-quarter credit hours, or 60-62 semester hours), EWU will guarantee transfer of your successfully completed 92-quarter credit hour (or 60-62 semester hours) Associate degree, regardless of program! For more information on IAI, click here.

EWU may accept up to 132-quarter credit hours transferred in towards the completion of your Bachelor’s degree at EWU (48-quarter credit hours must be EWU residence- completed at EWU).

EWU offers a variety of extra-curricular activities for its students including some of the following:

    1. Digital Art Contest
    2. EWU’s Boxing Club
    3. Women’s Basketball
    4. Peer Mentorship Program
    5. Story Slam Competitions
    6. Men’s Basketball: The Phantoms
    7. Career Service Seminars & Workshops
    8. Women’s Volleyball: The Lady Phantoms
    9. Speaking Volumes (Student Group Discussion)
    10. Celebrating Students’ Small Businesses: Pop-up Events
    11. Discussions in Motion & Perspectives (Guest Speakers)
    12. Majorette Dance/Cheer Squad: The Prancing Phantoms
    13. Countless Programmatic field trips (including a week abroad!)

…And many more events, get-togethers, and activities!   

EWU has many different amenities and services for its students. A few of these items are listed below:

    1. One yoga room
    2. Full-service library on-site
    3. Two weight/cardio rooms
    4. Two full-sized auditoriums
    5. Life-long career services
    6. Robust Tutoring Program
    7. Peer Mentorship Program
    8. Assigned Program Director
    9. The Burger Alley Restaurant
    10. One-to-One individual attention
    11. Full-sized basketball court/gym
    12. Biology and Genetics laboratories
    13. 10 floors of dormitories (The Flats)
    14. Computer Technology laboratories
    15. Student-discounted parking stickers
    16. Electronic Engineering Technology laboratories
    17. Student Academic Advisor (Counseling and Student Affairs)
    18. Student Success Center (licensed, professional counselors on staff)
    19. The Student’s L Lounge (student activity center: pool table, table tennis, computer stations, couches and lounge furniture, vending machines, etc.)
    20. Walking distance of Grant Park (across the street on Michigan Ave.), Chicago’s South-loop dining and attractions (including but not limited to the Buckingham Fountain, Navy Pier, the Mag Mile, etc.)
    21. Conference rooms (including the 17th floor “Skyline Room” and “Lake Room” with balcony)
    22. Ventra Card (issuance to all actively enrolled students during the quarter in which they are taking classes)
    23. …And many more!

East-West University offers Associate and Bachelor degrees in over seven disciplines. You can uncover your passions within the fields of Behavioral & Social Sciences, Biology, Business, Computer Information Sciences, Electronic Engineering Technology, English & Communication, and Mathematics. Discover your niche within these fields by exploring our Transfer Program Worksheets here.

Transfer credits always depend upon the “receiving” institution. EWU credits are transferable because EWU is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (learn more about EWU’s HLC accreditation here), so the quarter credit hours earned are approved for transfer. However, the amount of credits you can transfer would depend upon the policy at your new school and their graduate program requirements (please speak to a graduate admissions counselor at your new school for their particular credit transfer policy).

EWU has a variety of work-study and internship opportunities available to students who qualify.


EWU is a Title IV school and because of this, EWU students that qualify can participate in the Federal Work Study program. EWU also offers a paid in-school internship program that students may participate in during a given quarter. Additionally, students can earn college credit through one of the Cooperative Education courses offered throughout the year.


EWU students/alumni also receive “life-long” career services through the CSA office.

EWU is a multicultural and diverse university. Students come from all different backgrounds (socioeconomic, ethnic, geographic location, age groups, etc.)


EWU is recognized as a MSI and HSI (Minority-Serving Institution and Hispanic-Serving Institution- for more info, click here), and is represented by students and faculty from over 32 countries.


As a student, you are assigned to your own admissions representative, student academic advisor, program director and financial aid counselor. Your supportive services team will be with you from the time before you start at EWU up to and after graduation. The support services available as an EWU student are free to take advantage of and are highly recommended to achieve your graduation goals and beyond.


EWU was founded on the belief that all people (regardless of their background) deserve a high quality, affordable education, which they can pursue with support if needed and achieve their dreams at a better life for themselves, their families, and their communities. EWU believes that communication is key and the development of relationships between the students and the university are essential for student success.


Full transparency, continued education, constant communication, registration reviews, program planning sessions, transcript evaluations, extra-curricular activities, peer and professor mentorship, tutoring, therapy, etc. are only some of the ingredients required for student success and what may be expected of EWU to deliver to each of its students.

Here What Our Transfer Students Are Saying

I thought being a transfer student would feel awkward because I was a “new student” again. But that was not the case; I felt very welcomed by both staff and student body.

Tiffany Mendez

English & Communications Major

I am a full-time student, full-time employee, and full-time single mom. I had been very fearful of my transition to a University, but here I am among those I trust and who are not out for their own self-interest.

Octavia Yates

English & Communications Major

Upon receiving my acceptance letter from EWU, I was nothing but nervous embarking a new chapter in my life. Thankfully, all the staff and professors at EWU couldn't have made the transition any easier.

Carol Medina

Biology Major

Transferring to East-West University was the best decision I have made this year. I thought the transfer process was going to be long and stressful, but they made it very easy for me.

Alaba Adetutu

Biology Major

Ready to Change Your Course in Life?

If you are a prospective student, continue your journey with us.