Eric Secker

Ayana Higgins

Ayana’s Story Since I started my freshman year of college it has been a roller coaster because I was having some health issues and it brought me to attending three different schools. The reason I chose to attend East-West is because my mama attended this school years ago, but she couldn’t finish due to health reasons. Now being the first generation to get my degree […]

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Raymond Zhen

Raymond Zhen (CIS)

Raymond’s Story Hello, my name is Raymond Zhen and I am currently a an undergraduate at East West University and Computer and Information Science major as of 2022. As a transfer student that was switching from a completely different field, I was initially nervous and didn’t know what to expect from my classes and the university. After taking some coding classes and learning about the

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Ayub Syed (CIS)

Ayub’s Story Hello, my name is Ayub Syed I have graduated from East-West University in the year of 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in computer and Information Science with honors. In the year of 2016, I joined East-West University with an Associate degree in Environment Science and I have switched my major to Computer Science. My only goal was to graduate with good grades and

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Hetshree Vyas (ENG)

Hetshree’s Story “Life”, probably the most significant word that exists and yet it is full of uncertainties and surprises, both good and bad and so unique for everyone. Despite what the dictionary says, I don’t think it can be explained under one single definition. The meaning of life differs for every individual. About 8 billion people on Earth and I’m pretty sure, each one if

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East-West University Names Story Slam Champion

Shoaib Sajid from India Takes Home the $100 Prize A warm and enthusiastic crowd of over 100 students and faculty came out to attend the East-West University Story Slam Finals on November 15th. It was an action packed highly competitive event with some amazing stories. After five preliminary events with over 80 competitors, the dust finally settled and a diverse group of ten finalists representing

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