Christian's Story
I’d like to thank all the professors that helped us get to this point, who never gave up on us, and kept pushing us to be better. First off, I would like to thank the faculty in the electronics engineering department, and especially Professor Mirmira for being strict in all the courses he has taught. In spite of his strict approach and making us build state of the art circuits, he has bent himself backwards to motivate us to complete all the requirements needed to graduate. In spite of his own busy schedule, he was available after class hours to do extra work on Zoom on a regular basis. In spite of his rules, we are now ready to face the world.
Furthermore, I would also like to thank my computer science teachers, Dr. Julie and Dr. Injoo. Although my degree is in electronics engineering, they sparked my interest in computer science. Professor Mirmira gave us a clear picture of why computer science goes hand-in-hand with the field of electronics. Both of these are very lucrative areas, with new jobs being created as new technologies arise. For example, you can become a firmware engineer, which is a role that combines the knowledge of both electronics and computer science.
Next, I would also like to thank Dr. Polski in the English department for motivating us and constantly believing that we can achieve anything when we put our minds towards it. Dr. Polski pushed her students to become better public speakers so that they can give speeches with confidence, like this one!
I would like to thank the school directors and everyone who organized our graduation ceremony. However, no one deserves more praise than our parents. From a young age, my parents were always pushing me to learn more, always buying my siblings and I books and helping us out with our homework. Although neither of us truly understood calculus, they never said no when I asked for their help. If not for my parents’ encouragement and advice, I wouldn’t be the student that I am. They encouraged me to believe in myself, despite the challenges that school and general life brings.
Even though I’m looking towards the future, it is always important to remember where you came from, and give back to your community so that the new generations have the tools they need to succeed. During my time at East West, I admit that I had many challenges. I worried a lot about upcoming tests, especially because I wanted to prove to myself that I could be successful in my chosen specialty.
For my senior project, my partner and I came up with a unique way of designing a circuit for an alarm system. The components of the alarm system are hidden in a place where only the homeowners know where it is, so burglars cannot disarm it. This will allow people to feel safer in their homes, and can deter crime.
Life brings with it many challenges, but we must never give up. Nothing comes easy, and if we truly want something, we will work hard, sacrifice, and dedicate ourselves to overcome any obstacle that gets in the way of our dreams. But in order to succeed, we have to fail along the way. It's ok to fail because that’s how you learn. We learn and grow from our mistakes. You can’t be brave if you aren’t afraid; we must always have confidence in what we do. It’s ok to ask questions, and to admit that you were wrong. Professor Mirmira’s exams are not easy but they pushed and challenged us to become better. I have no reason to believe that we will be unemployed. Most of his students who graduated have fulfilling jobs.
We received a good education and need to enjoy life along with our chosen employment. One of the most important things I’ve learned over the years is to travel. It’s imperative to see how other people live, to experience new cultures, and meet people who come from different walks of life than you. It’s necessary to take vacations to recharge in order to be more focused in your job.
East West solidified my love of electronics, and opened up new pathways for me. I am excited to one day learn more about computer programming and networking. My goal for the next five years is to be working in a good company where they will provide an opportunity for me to obtain my master’s degree in Electronics Engineering. If you want to be someone in this life, education is the key that will open up doors of opportunity.